Who Do I Call?
When Meade County RECC experiences a major power outage, report it by calling Toll Free: 1-877-276-5353, Hardinsburg Office: 1-270-756-5172, or Brandenburg Office: 1-270-422-2162. Rest assured that Meade County RECC personnel will work as quickly as possible to restore electrical service.
Why Do I See Non-Meade County RECC Vehicles Working in the Area?
In major outages, we call on assistance from other cooperatives and contract crews. For this reason, you may see vehicles from Asplundh, Townsend, Pike, Bowlin Energy, or other Kentucky Electric Membership Cooperatives in your area.
What Should I Do If I Have A Portable Generator?
If you have a portable generator, it should be isolated from our lines, or be equipped with a properly installed double-throw switch installed by a licensed electrician. Generators that are not isolated or installed properly can feed back in to our lines and possibly electrocute anyone coming in contact with those wires, including you, children, neighbors, our line personnel, pets, or livestock.
If you plan to use a portable generator, here are some important safety precautions:
First, locate your generator in a well-ventilated area. Never run it inside, even in your garage. Gasoline-powered generators produce carbon monoxide and the fumes can be deadly.
Second, plug appliances directly into the generator using heavy duty, properly grounded extension cords. Make sure that extension cords are not frayed or worn. Do not connect your power generator directly to your home’s main fuse box or circuit panel. Limit the number of appliances you use to no more than the recommended wattage of the generator.
Read all instructions carefully and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Use the generator only when necessary, and don’t overload it. Turn it off at night while you sleep and when you are away from home, to avoid possible fire hazard.
For your safety …. the safety of neighbors, and the safety of Meade County RECC employees working to restore electricity do not attempt to connect your generator to your home wiring.
If you have any doubts about how to properly use a portable electric generator, contact the manufacturer or a licensed electrician for assistance.
What Should I Do If I See A Downed Line?
It is important to stay away from any downed lines. Please do not try to remove any debris tangled in power lines, even if you think the line is dead. Please report the outage immediately.
What Should I Do If I Have A Critical Care Patient Living In My Home?
Meade County RECC will make every effort to fix your problem as quickly as possible, but if there is damage up the line from your location, it must be repaired first for power to even be distributed to your home.
Caregivers of in-home critical care patients should always have an evacuation plan or a plan for how to handle extended outages in the event of a natural disaster or severe storm. If you, or any member of your household, have a condition which requires electric power, it is your responsibility to have a back-up plan. That plan may include moving to another location where power is available for your use
Watch Utility Service Vehicles on the Roadways for Your Safety & Theirs
During an outage we will have crews working on lines in your area. Many of these lines are along main roads and highways. For your safety and the safety of our crews, please drive slowly and be aware of our crew vehicles.
Why Did A Meade County RECC Vehicle Pass By My House Without Stopping?
If your power is out, do not be concerned if you see a Meade County RECC vehicle drive by your house without stopping. The crew may be en route to a location where a live line is down, they may need to inspect breakers or transformers along your main line, or they may need to return to base for further supplies. Crews repair damage to parts of the system that bring power to you first, like transmission lines and substations, before handling problems at individual homes. Please know that we are making every effort to restore power to you as quickly as possible.
Can I expect uninterrupted electric service?
No. For reasons that can be technical, physical, or acts of God, Meade County RECC cannot guarantee uninterrupted energy to your home or business. While your cooperative has one of the finest availability records of any electric utility in the country, events within and outside our control will prevent us from always having power at your location.
While the power is out, no electricity is being consumed, so your meter does not register any consumption for billing. Upon restoration, none of your appliances will consume more energy than if the power had never been out.
If you, or any member of your household, have a condition which requires electric power, it is your responsibility to have a back-up plan. That plan may include moving to another location where power is available for your use. Remember that in a time of catastrophic loss of electric power such as during a tornado or flood, there may be no electricity flowing anywhere within 100 miles.